Amazing Facts About Science and Technology // Science & Technology 3 (Q&A)

1. What is CD or Compact Disc?

            A compact disk Or CD is a computerized stockpiling media used to store PC records, pictures and music.

            James Russell created the compact Disk in 1965.


2. What is floppy Disk?

            Floppy disk as we probably are aware today was called Memory circle when it was made by IBM in 1971. The main floppy was 8 inches plastic circle covered with attractive iron oxide. Information was composed to and perused from the circle's surface.

            The floppy was invented by IBM engineers drove by Alan Shugart.


3. What is Laser Disc?

            An optical or laser disk is a plastic-covered, straightforward circle that can store advanced information. A laser plate contains a great simple video. A solitary laser circle has a 30mm width and is made by consolidating two single sided aluminium plate which are layered in plastic.

The laser disk was first considered and made by David Paul Gregg in 1958.


4. What is Google web search engine?

            A Search engine is a program that scans the web and observes site pages for the client in view of the keywords that the client has submitted.

            It was designed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was named after googol which is the name for number 1 followed by 100 zeros.


5. What is Micro-processor?

            A microprocessor is an incorporated circuit. In straightforward words, it is the brain of a computer . It contains every one of the elements of the focal handling unit of the PC.

            Gordon Moore is credited with the innovation of the microchip alongside Robert Norton Noyce. The first single chip microprocessor was made by Intel in Nov. 1971.


6. What is Hologram?

            A hologram or visualization is a picture made by presenting film to the obstruction design made when two laser light sources radiate on an object.

            The theory of visualization was created by Scientist Dennis Gabor around 1947, and for his work Dennis Gabor won the Nobel Prize for physical science in 1971.