Section A

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions in your own words. 2x5=10

1. Why does the passage state that the economic and social disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic is devastating?

Ans:  Because, tens of millions of people are at risk of falling into extreme poverty, while the number of undernourished people, currently estimated at nearly 690million, could increase by the end of the year.

2. Why are ‘informal economy workers’ are said to be particularly vulnerable?

Ans: The informal economy workers are said to be particularly vulnerable because the majority lack social protection and access to quality health care.

3. According to this passage, who are the ‘most affected’ by the pandemic?

Ans: The most affected by the pandemic are the workers in the informal economy and in poorly protected and low-paid jobs, including youth, older workers, and migrants.

4. What forms of support can be extended to those affected?

Ans: Support includes cash transfers, child allowances and healthy school meals, shelter and food relief, support for employment retention and recovery, and financial relief for businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises.

5. According to the passage, what can happen if there is no global solidarity and support in handling the social and economic impacts of the pandemic?

Ans: Only together we can overcome the intertwined and social and economic impacts of the pandemic and prevents its escalation into a humanitarian and food security catastrophe, with the potential loss of already achieved development gains.


2. Use the following words in sentences of your own: 2x5=10

1. Devasting

Ans: The pandemic has caused devastating effect on informal economy workers.

2. Vulnerable

Ans: Children are more vulnerable to this disease.

3. Solidarity

Ans: It is a time for global solidarity and support.

4. Catastrophe

Ans: Many lose their homes during the catastrophe.

5. Potential

Ans: This project has potential risk.


3. Rewrite the following sentences as directed: 1x5=5

1. They cut down many trees to construct the office (change into passive voice).

Ans: To construct the office many tress have been cut by them.

2. The (type)_____ letters are ready for dispatch.( use the correct form of the word in bracket).

Ans: The typed  letters are ready for dispatch.

3. We’ve got a machine_____(who, whom, that) prints in colour.

Ans: We’ve got a machine that prints in colour.

4. We a short-list of candidate _____(who, whom, which, whose, to whom) CVs were very good. (use correct word from those given in brackets).

Ans: We a short-list of candidate  whose CVs were very good.

5. It is up to you___ make the decision ( fill in the blank with correct preposition).

Ans: It is up to you to make the decision.


4. Write short notes of about 150 words each on the following topics: 5x5=25

1. Organising a portfolio.

Ans: A portfolio is a visual portrayal of an individual's capacities, abilities, capacities, information and characteristics. It presents substantial verification of these abilities and capacities as relics, testaments, and different reports. The portfolio gives proof of an individual's true capacity by exhibiting what s/he achieved before. A portfolio has point by point verification of these accreditations as archives. It might likewise contain photos. A resume is generally the primary archive in a portfolio. Gathering archives for a portfolio is a continuous cycle. One should add all archives to it that can be utilized to feature one's character. A few characteristics that a portfolio can address as archived proof are an individual's capacities, abilities, information and potential. The portfolio starts with a record. The principal report in a portfolio is dependably the resume. The following segment contains declarations, recognitions and different qualifications. The third segment of the portfolio has generally instructive degrees, accomplishments, extra-curricular exercises, charitable effort, and so on The last segment contains individual data in short. A portfolio assortment is created throughout some undefined time frame. It is generally a work underway and ought to be refreshed routinely. At the point when you create, make, compose or do whatever might be of worth to you in your work, you should record its reports as a component of your portfolio assortment.


2. Types of customers.

Ans: There are however many kinds of customers as there are sorts of individuals. Likewise various clients have various arrangements of assumptions from the items and administrations that they need to purchase, or have purchased. Both of these together decide the kinds of client you are probably going to manage on an everyday premise.

i) Indecisive customers: These are individuals who will go through hours choosing what to purchase. They need to know more, yet are challenging to persuade, and will track down reasons to try not to settle on a choice. Thusly, they take up a great deal of your time. The method for managing them is utilize a firm manner of speaking while at the same time accentuating the characteristics of the brand you are advertising.

            ii) Reluctant customers: These customers will listen to everything but are unwilling to make the final decision. They will even stop you from approaching the final step of buying the  product or closing the call. You need to make them aware of the need to buy at the opportune time by drawing their attention to the extra benefits, and special features of the  product or service without being aggressive.

            iii) Demanding customers: The demanding customer generally feels the need to be in control. Such customers may raise their voice, find fault with everything, and make unreasonable demands on you. Prepare to negotiate if you are thoroughly familiar with your organization’s policies and procedures.

            iv) Rude and inconsiderate customers: They will go out of their way to be offensive. They will raise their voice, demand to see or speak to the superior, use abusive language, and snap at you. In dealing with them, be calm, assertive and in control of the situation.


            v) Talkative customers: Such customers are friendly, chatty and expressive, and love to connect with people. They ask lots of questions. Stay warm and friendly, ask open-ended questions to determine what they need, then switch to closed-ended questions to control the situation and limit the opportunity for the customer to continue talking.

            vi) Passive customers: These customers listen patiently, but do not voice their own opinions, state their concerns or work towards a decision. To understand their requirement you need to get them as involved in the conversation, and assist them to come out with their query or problem. Ask closed-ended questions to reconfirm understanding or to ask for an opinion, and also learn to read between the lines.

            vii) Dissatisfied customers: You will regularly experience disappointed clients. Regardless you attempt to accomplish for them, they will gripe, and feel irritated and misled. Feel for him, don't disparage him. Pose open-finished inquiries and rework the client's reactions to recognize that you have perceived the issue accurately, and afterward make a fitting move to suit his/her necessities.

            viii) Irate customers: Customers can be furious for different reasons. They might be discontent with the assistance, or feel they have been cheated. These clients want to demonstrate outrage to be treated in a serious way and will utilize their resentment to scare you. They are likewise searching for clarifications and arrangements. You should be at your expert best. Keep quiet and certain.

3. Characteristics of work ethics.

Ans: The three major characteristics of work ethics are interpersonal skills, initiative and dependability.

            I) Interpersonal abilities: Interpersonal abilities incorporate our propensities, perspectives, habits, appearance, and conduct we use around others Our relational abilities start to foster from the get-go in our lives. Our family, companions and our perception of our nearby world impact our perspectives and relational abilities. A portion of the relational abilities are likewise acquired as our appearance and our qualities to a great extent impact our characters. To further develop our relational abilities we want to realize how individuals take a gander at us. As grown-ups we have the obligation of further developing our own relational abilities on the grounds that these significantly impact our chances and achievement.

            ii) Initiative: Initiative is a vital trademark in present day times. It implies the capacity to act or assume responsibility before others do. Without drive, we might defer things and pass up on amazing open doors, which can create some issues for us. Drive helps in developing your own business by getting what factors, dangers, choices and choices are really great for your own business. It diminishes your reliance on others, who may not esteem your business the same way you do. Absence of drive might prompt misfortunes or decreased achievement.

            iii) Being reliable: Being trustworthy is an exceptionally esteemed quality in the advanced working environment. This idea incorporates trustworthiness, dependability, and being on schedule. Individuals who are not trustworthy can cause additional consumption, crises and wastage of time, not step up to the plate, and not use assets well. Here and there absence of constancy can have genuine outcomes like misfortunes of various types, even death toll.


4. The three stages of a presentation.

Ans: There are three broad stages in a presentation:

a) Beginning: In the start of the show the moderator welcomes the crowd. (Great morning'..., 'welcome' and so on) Then, at that point, the moderator expresses the subject of the show, basically and momentarily. In doing this, the moderator might characterize any term or idea that is new to the crowd. This is a significant highlight recall, since the crowd can comprise of financial specialists or lay people or both. It is additionally vital to reassure the crowd toward the start of the show by expressing that inquiries might be posed and conversation can occur. The moderator may either inquire: If you have any inquiries, if it's not too much trouble, go ahead and hinder and I will give my all to respond to them, or on the other hand 'On the off chance that you have any inquiries or questions, if it's not too much trouble, keep them till the finish of the show when we can talk about them.'

            b) Body of presentation: In the body of the show, which is the primary piece of the show, the main viewpoint is the sequencing of thoughts. Giving the principle thought,

Clarify related thought for example Cause, reason, connect

Show its outcome, impact or suggestion

Assuming that there are a few significant thoughts, the moderator should plainly show the request for sequencing initially, for example,

As a matter of first importance, we will talk about...

After that ....

At last... During the show, the moderator should utilize markers of arrangement, for example,

Next... (the following thought) Then we have (the following related thought).

            c) Conclusion: The moderator might finish up the show by momentarily summing up the primary concerns of the theme.



5. The importance of cultural awareness in a multicultural workplace.

Ans: The idea of our work environments has changed in the course of the most recent quite a long while. We presently have partners at work from everywhere the world. This new multicultural work environment has acquired contrasts societies which thus get contrasts regions, for example, correspondence styles, administrative styles, work environment manners, way to deal with time and a plenty of other culturally diverse contrasts. To boost potential at work and to keep an agreeable work air, diverse mindfulness is fundamental. Social contrasts at the working environment might be because of contrasts in individuals' nation of beginning, race, religion or ethnic foundation. The most effective way to have an incorporated labor force is for laborers to see each other's way of life and advantage from the qualities of each culture.

Attempt to comprehend socio-social propensities for individuals from different societies and how they respond to circumstances. Assuming you learn something fascinating with regards to a colleague's way of life, get some information about it or notice it in an important circumstance. Catching wind of it from them will explain it to you shockingly better. Attempt to try not to make quick judgment calls about individuals, on the off chance that they do things another way from you. One of the main standards of social mindfulness is avoiding accepting one way is off-base and the other is correct.


Section B


1.  You are interested in applying for the position of Customer Service manager in a company in your town/city. Write an application for this position, showing how you are suitable for the job.       (15)


Ans:   January 10, 2022


           Mr. Ramesh Gupta


          Elegant company

          34 Jawahar Nagar



Dear Mr. Ramesh Gupta

I'm writing to go after the Customer Service Manager job with rich organization. I'm a client care proficient with north of a time of involvement with serving the general population. Four of those years have been spent in an administrative job.

In my present situation as Customer Service Manager at Manmade Design supply. I drove the client assistance group in guaranteeing that client grievances and questions were managed in an expert and obliging way. I have immaculate relational and relational abilities that permit me to help clients with elegance such that upgrades understanding. I additionally have incredible authority and administrative abilities. I generally transcend assumptions while taking on a position which has procured me a few client assistance grants. Likewise those in my group frequently compliment my capacity to be predictable and fair in my dealings with the two representatives and clients. I would cherish the opportunity to carry these abilities to rich organization.

I'm certain you'll view me as the most ideal possibility for the gig of Customer Service Manager at your shopping center. I invite you to reach me by phone or email whenever the timing is ideal to organize a meeting. Much obliged to you for

your time.

Yours sincerely

Raymond  Roy





2. Prepare an short CV (Curriculum Vitae) clearly mentioning your career history, skills, achievements and any other details.


Curriculam Vitae

Name: Raymond  Roy

Sex:  Male

Nationality: Indian

Address:  A.J.C Bose Road S.O.  700020

Educational Qualifications: i) M.Com-  Madras Unviversity

                                                ii) B.com.- MadrasUniversity

                                                iii) 12th Class: Public  School, Delhi

                                                iv) 10th Class: Public School, Delhi

Area of Expertise: Marketing, People management, Business administration, Customer service

Work Experiences: 1.  Business Manager in  Modern Company  2010-2015

                                    (Putting together and arranging fundamental focal help, for example, gathering, security, support, answerable for ensuring that agreements, protection prerequisites and wellbeing principles are accurately conformed to).                              

                                       2. Customer Service Manager at Standard Food Supply 2016-  present

                                    (Create and use client data set for calls, item dispatches, vents. Investigating marketing projections and estimating future deals volumes, overseeing and inspiring staff to expand deals and guarantee business productivity).


Personal Skills: - Overseeing time, lay out needs and appointing really

                            -Ready to plan financial plans and quotes.

                           - Inside and out experience and comprehension of the retail channel.

                            -Experience of setting targets and observing execution.

                            -Brilliant relational abilities and capacity to introduce across all media.

                           -Can distinguish key open doors and efficiencies for more prominent productivity.


Section C


1. Write an outline of a presentation on the following topic:         (10)

    “Coping with ‘Climate Change’: issues and challenges.”  (Refer Unit 14.7 to write the answer)


Ans:  Climate Change:

            Environmental change alludes to huge, long haul changes in the worldwide environment. The worldwide environment is the associated arrangement of sun, earth and seas, wind, downpour and snow, backwoods, deserts and savannas, and all that individuals do, as well.

-           A portrayal of the worldwide environment incorporates how, for instance, the rising temperature of the Pacific feeds hurricanes which blow more diligently, drop more downpour and cause more harm, yet in addition shifts worldwide sea flows that dissolve Antarctica ice which gradually makes ocean level ascent until New York will be submerged.

-           It is this foundational connectedness that makes worldwide environmental change so significant thus confounded.


Issues and difficulties of environmental change:


-           We should see how the environment is changing, so we can get ready for what's to come. Concentrating on the environment assists us with anticipating how much downpour the following winter could bring, or how far ocean levels will ascend because of hotter ocean temperatures.


        - The environment emergency isn't an approaching danger, individuals are currently living with the results of hundreds of years of ozone depleting substance outflows. An inability to act earnestly now will mean a converse being developed additions for the least fortunate and most weak individuals in the public arena, a disintegration of biodiversity, expanding hardships in giving food and asylum, as well as the likely loss of whole nations because of the effects of environmental change.


-           As ozone depleting substance discharges cover the Earth, they trap the sun's hotness. This prompts a dangerous atmospheric devation and environmental change. The world is currently warming quicker than anytime in written history.


Impacts of climate change:

-           Actual climate

The ecological impacts of environmental change are wide and extensive, influencing seas, ice, and climate. Changes might happen step by step or quickly. Proof for these impacts comes from concentrating on environmental change before, from demonstrating, and from current perceptions.

-           Nature and untamed life

Ongoing warming has driven numerous earthly and freshwater species poleward and towards higher elevation. Higher barometrical CO2 levels and a drawn out developing season have brought about worldwide greening. Nonetheless, heatwaves and dry spell have diminished environment usefulness in certain districts. The future equilibrium of these contradicting impacts is hazy.

-           Human

 The impacts of environmental change on people have been distinguished around the world. They are generally because of warming and changes in precipitation. Effects can now be seen on all mainlands and sea districts, with low-scope, less created regions confronting the most serious gamble. Kept warming has possibly "serious, inescapable and irreversible effects" for individuals and environments.


-           Food and Health

The WHO has arranged environmental change as the best danger to worldwide wellbeing in the 21st century. Outrageous weather conditions prompts injury and death toll, and yield disappointments to undernutrition. Different irresistible sickness are all the more effortlessly sent in a hotter environment, like dengue fever and intestinal sickness. Little youngsters are the most powerless against food deficiencies. The two youngsters and more seasoned individuals are helpless against outrageous hotness.

-           Solution

Environment arrangements can handle both these issues, making a more pleasant world and carrying the most terrible off more like a low-carbon future. We are glad to help development in a portion of the world's most underestimated networks. We want a change, one driven by networks and the cutting edge undertakings and associations that serve and get them. We realize these trailblazers have what it takes and apparatuses to push things forward. Be that as it may, genuine advancement will just accompany the sponsorship of submitted financial backers and funders, informed policymakers, and steady foundations and NGOs.




2. You are planning to appear for an interview for the post of Research assistant in a reputed institution. Write out ten questions you expect to be asked and your answers to these questions.   (10)


Ans:    1. Tell me about yourself ?

            My answer: I'm Raymond roy. I'm Science graduate. I'm very deligent research associate with five years experience. Till now I have worked with driving researchers in a bid to track down better ways of treating different sicknesses. However I like my present job, I am prepared to move into an alternate part of science, and this position invigorates me.

            2. For what reason would you say you are keen on this position?

            My response: I play played out a comparable part throughout the previous five years however plan to add to the endeavors of an extending undertaking. This appears to be a superb chance to construct the particular abilities I need to acquire in my vocation while working in an industry I love.

            3. Portray your PC experience?

            My response: I am a specialist in the utilization of windows and Apple working programming. I have utilized both during my vocation.

            4. How might past associates portray you?

            My response: before, my partners thought that I am remarkably efficient and dominate in using time productively. During one venture, we experienced various issues yet we followed through with the job on schedule. The organization's chiefs adulated me for driving the way in offering arrangements.

            5. How treat desire to gain from filling in as an exploration associate?

            My response: My drawn out profession objectives incorporate filling in as an essential scientist, so I desire to keep on fostering my exploration abilities as well as fabricate associations in the field. I would be really glad to work for any of the association's specialists, as they all have heavenly notorieties, and I realize they would assist with facilitating my insight and abilities in the field.

            6. Might it be said that you are open to dealing with a group?

            My response: Yes, I feel truly open to filling in as a feature of a group.

            7. How would you oversee task appropriation?

            My response: In my last venture, there were three examination aides. We as a whole alternated filling various roles and obligations so we could all acquire insight and further develop our examination abilities. I would appreciate dealing with that kind of group once more.

            8. What sort of exploration would you say you are most keen on investigating?

            My response: I'm keen on chipping away at any exploration project. I have experience helping my scholarly guide, yet I couldn't imagine anything better than to expand both my range of abilities and my experience information by exploring on differed projects.

            9. Portray your examination interaction?

            My response: The fundamental cycle I typically follow while investigating starts with the ID of suitable, peer-evaluated sources to assist with organizing our work. From that point, I work with the head scientist to structure any investigations and select any volunteers. Then, at that point, I help on a case by case basis and coordinated through real exploration and trial and error. At last, I help process and review our outcomes for distribution or show.

            10. What are your compensation assumptions?

            My response: To be straightforward, I don't zero in on the compensation offer. I like the work and would be pleased having the work. I would acknowledge that will be fitting for the degree of work.