BPAC-132 Administrative Thinkers. Assignment Code: ASST/TMA/July 2021 & January 2022

Assignment A

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Discuss Kautilya’s views on personal administration.      20marks

Ans: 'A decent organization is portrayed by the nature of people who run' it, this is the well-known axiom. The antiquated organization as portrayed by Arthashastra was no special case for this to the extent that the insights regarding the community workers in Arthashastra are concerned. Kautilya underlines the way that the State accomplishes its financial and political naims through individuals occupied with the undertaking of organization of choices, strategies and tasks. The work force organization was additionally significant in light of the fact that the extent of the exercises of state was wide and differed, which thus inferred the wide and shifted extent of policy implementation. State was the significant wellspring of public business, other than the way that the State was fundamentally a Welfare State, wherein the more modest fish had as much right to reside as the greater fish and wherein the subjects were to be treated by the King as his kids. It was the obligation of the State apparatus to keep up with the vagrants, the destitutes, the vulnerable and the matured. The State strategy was to assess the obligation of the State toward the insurance of the general public, upkeep of peace and lawfulness, security and wellbeing of ntheterritories and advancement of the prosperity of the residents. In any case, it is likewise a fact that Kautilya doesn't cover every single part of faculty organization in the advanced feeling of the term.

The two essential characteristics to be observed in a public work searcher were the dependability and obligation to the King and the realm that eclipsed some other capability. At the end of the day, Kautilya was zeroing in on three kinds of capabilities in a candidate to be enlisted under the State, viz., moral/moral, specialized or expert and devotion to the ruler and the country. He should be liberated from Kaam, Kroadh, Maya and Loabh. Independence from voracity and allurement is a precondition as just such official would have the option to serve the interests of the governed and of the ruler in the best and acceptable manner. The wellbeing and security of the State and of individuals is connected with the high upright and moral person of the representatives of the state. For this to occur, Kautilya endorses various trial of the size of Kaam, Kroadh, Mada and Loabh. A portion of these tests, however, were named as idealistic. One more highlight be noted here is that officials of the greater positions just stood out of Kautilya, the lower level representatives appear to have avoided his eyes or he could have felt that everything in organization is subject to the quality and ability of the people sitting at the top. The supporters, i.e., the subordinates would for the most part duplicate the conduct of their chief/ace. Somewhat this is by all accounts a case even in current times as the presentation of an association is generally is connected with the kind of the authoritative initiative fundamentally


2. Explain the styles of management, as propounded by Rensis Likert.   20 marks

Ans: Management styles ad propound by Rensis Likikert: The development of thought as to how best to oversee individuals includes a large group of related subjects and thoughts including authoritative design, working of association, the executives of association, direction, hierarchical culture, change and learning, association in the public eye and such. As a rule, it includes inquiries regarding the idea of force and authority, inspiration and obligation, and the foundation of trust and certainty. Nonetheless, generally, it is grounded on the fundamental suspicions regarding the idea of individuals and conduct.

            In view of his broad examination embraced from large number of directors in various authoritative settings, Rensis Likert proposed new techniques for the executives. The review was portrayed as far as six hierarchical aspects, like authority, inspiration, correspondence, choices, objectives, and control in his Book The Human Organization: Its Management and Value (1967). Likert propounded that of the multitude of errands of the executives, dealing with the human part is the focal and most significant undertaking, since all else relies on how well it is finished. Remarkably, he recognized Four Styles of Management on a continuum, where despotic occupation focused administrator (System 1) toward one side and vote based, worker fixated director on the opposite end (System 4).

            These four administration styles are given beneath:

Framework 1 : Exploitative-Authoritative Management: In Exploitative-Authoritative Management Style, the director has low trust in their subordinates and gains consistence of assignments through dread and dangers. The administrator is profoundly legitimate and forces choices on subordinates with less or no degree for additional discussion. Also, the administration is concerned uniquely with finish of undertaking without giving a lot of consideration to the yearnings of the people who are associated with the errand.

Framework 2: Benevolent-Authoritative Management: In System 2:Benevolent-Authoritative Management Style, as the term 'kindhearted' demonstrates, the supervisor pays attention to the worries of the subordinates. This infers that the supervisor holds a few certainty and confidence in their subordinates. For instance, the directors share the obligation of taking unremarkable choices with the subordinates with close strategy control.

Framework 3 : Consultative Management: In System 3:Consultative Management Style, the director holds incomplete certainty and confidence in their subordinates. However the administrator actually settles on all approach choices, they make endeavors to comprehend their subordinates' viewpoints. As in the benevolentauthoritative administration style, the top administration handles higher-request choices; includes subordinates for settling on lower request choices; involves monetary prizes for consistence.

Framework 4: Participative Management: System 4 Management Style depends on administrative trust and certainty andcharacterised by participative gathering the board; henceforth, every representative feel

liable for accomplishing association's objective. Plus, giving monetary prizes, the administration utilizes bunch investment and inclusion in putting forth elite execution objectives, execution based rewards, cooperative collaboration, further developing work techniques, open correspondence, etc. It is to be noticed that the subordinates and bosses are mentally close and direction is helped out all through the association generally through bunch processes. In his later work, Likert broadened the System 4 characterization by recognizing the 'Framework 4 Total Model of Organization' (System 4T) in which the pioneer has the accompanying attributes: "1) The pioneer is strong, receptive, cordial, simple to converse with, keen on the prosperity of subordinates. 2) Builds the subordinates into firm, exceptionally powerful, helpful critical thinking groups connected together by people who hold covering enrollments. That is, a prevalent in one gathering is a subordinate in a more elevated level gathering. 3) Subordinates are not set in opposition to one another in antagonistic, cutthroat connections. 4) Helps subordinates with their work by seeing that they are provided with every one of the essential assets (space, supplies, spending plan, preparing). 5) Subordinates are kept educated regarding generally designs so they can design their work all the more actually. 6) The pioneer anticipates top notch execution from oneself and from others".

Assignment B


Answer the following in about 250 words  each.


3. Examine Gandhi’s idea of Swaraj.              10marks

Ans: Gandhi was a firm adherent to the way of thinking of Swaraj and popularity based values, however his origination towards vote based republic is unique in relation to the western scholars. We want to comprehend that the Gandhian thought of Swaraj isn't the result of Gandhi's works alone. The Gandhian activists and researchers have offered more towards this origination after the destruction of Gandhi, especially in the post-autonomy time. Gandhi truly needed Swaraj or 'self-rule' by individuals of India who address the country masses to turn into a reality. Gandhi saw that "the spirit of India lives in its towns". He needed that power construction should start from underneath. Gandhi needed genuine majority rules government to work in India. He, in this way, noticed, "genuine majority rules government can't be worked by twenty men sitting at the middle. It must be worked from beneath by individuals of each town".

            Gandhi's fantasy was that majority rule government through individuals' interest could be guaranteed simply via Gram Swaraj. He needed Gram Swaraj in towns, where there will be a town republic and the executives of undertakings would be finished by individuals themselves. As indicated by Gandhi, in Gram Swaraj "each town should be a vote based system in which they won't rely even upon neighbor for significant necessities". Nobody ought to be without food and dress. Everyone ought to get adequate work to meet one's necessities. This ideal can be accomplished just when the method for creation to meet the essential necessities of life are in charge of individuals. The vision of an 'optimal town' or 'town republic' is integral to Gandhian idea of Swaraj. This ideal town will be founded on the Gandhi's peaceful social and financial request, where creation of fundamental things will be finished by the limited scale and cabin businesses. It actually intends that "Without decentralized request of creation, development of Gandhian ideal town is preposterous". At the end of the day, "Ideal town is an importantpart of decentralized financial request". Political design under Gandhian ideal town can be developed uniquely based on creation of monetary construction. Gandhi unequivocally pushed decentralization of monetary and political power through the association of Village Panchayats. In less difficult words, the major idea of Gram Swaraj is that each town ought to be its own 'republic'.


4. Describe the changing perspectives of Weber’s bureaucracy.    10 marks

Ans: Following Weber, both the defenders and adversaries have commonly expected that main a high level society, socially organized on levelheaded standards, would be sufficiently viable to support such lawful normal organization. This implies it was assumed that a lawful sane association can rarely accomplish greatest proficiency in less progressed social orders. Notwithstanding, during the mid-20th century, expansion in intricacies of cultural presence of people on just and value standards has achieved more noteworthy reliance on government organizations both in cutting edge as well as in less progressed nations. While this peculiarity had assisted organization with accomplishing an all-unavoidable status, simultaneously, it wrestled with regulatory dysfunctions, for example, dormant, wasteful, bad, unmanageable, inert, unapproachable, intrusive strategies and so on These dysfunctions are aggregately called 'bureaucratisation'.

             In the mid 1970s, a special analysis was directed at the Institute of Administration, University of Ife, Nigeria, where 72 Nigerian government employees participated in advancing contextual investigations of maladministration. The review uncovered six dysfunctions of organization that kept authorities from taking drives opposite debasement and absence of honesty, local area struggle and animosity, partisan clash, shortcoming, unfortunate behavior and indiscipline and unfortunate power connections.

            Post-Weberian view has been individuals arranged as against structure-situated and there has been a structural shift from the mechanical impersonalised Weberian design to human improvement worldview. This implies incorporation of more adaptable designs and surrendering the fixation for usefulness and mystery, as it was accepted that authoritative efficiency sans human advancement was useless. At the level of the association, it was prescribed to foster subjective elements, like new ethos, situational reaction, more noteworthy availability, more prominent receptiveness and straightforwardness or more all relational connections. Throughout the most recent couple of many years, state run administrations' job has become progressively complicated, equivalent credit has additionally been given to the job of organization, as it contacts the personal satisfaction on residents on regular premise. Toward one side of the continuum, there has been an inescapable affirmation of 'individuals' support' with government and civil servants for viable administration however on the opposite end, there is an

expanding worry concerning how the organizations are utilizing 'power'. As the main answer for the persistent issues looked by the public authority overall and organization specifically, there has been a developing interest for guaranteeing new ethos, for example, 'responsibility' and 'transparency'in organization. 'Transparency' 'responsibility', 'obligation', 'answerability', 'responsiveness' all address basically a comparative interaction. The two researchers and professionals accepted that expanded use of this new ethos could defeat the broken parts of organization; wherein 'execution' could incredibly offset techniques and dependable guideline.


5. Briefly discuss Maslow’s theory of motivation.      10 marks

Ans: Each association has a bunch of objectives and focuses to achieve, which further rely upon the laborers of the association. Inspiration is conceivable assuming that there are unfulfilled necessities of hierarchical specialists. Maslow in his exemplary Paper 'A Theory of Human Motivation'; as referenced previously, illustrated a general Theory of Motivation.He examined the connection between the individuals and associations according to the perspective of human requirements. He was of the view that individuals became individuals from associations to satisfy their necessities, which might exude from an assortment of regions. Therefore, the objectives and targets of the association need satisfaction. Remembering this, Abraham Maslow planned the Hierarchy of Needs Theory, which would keep the representatives inspired and, thusly, would prompt greater efficiency and fulfillment of the people and the association overall. Abraham Maslow expressed that sound individuals have a specific number of necessities, which follow a various leveled design and thusly these requirements are organized in a pecking order. These requirements are physiological necessities, security needs, social necessities, regard needs and self-actualisation needs. A few requirements, (for example, physiological and security needs) are more crude or essential than others, (for example, social and inner self necessities). Maslow's socalled 'order of necessities' is regularly introduced as a five-level pyramid, with higher requirements coming into concentrate just once lower, or more essential requirements are met. things vital for endurance that are hunger, thirst, cover and so on The individuals at first attempt to fulfill this need and whenever it is satisfied, this need stops to fulfill them. At the end of the day, these necessities never again spur them.

The subsequent requirements are the Security Needs:These needs talk about the professional stability or wellbeing at work environment that further gives a feeling of mental security to individuals. Maslow here discusses both physical and enthusiastic wellbeing and he thinks that once the wellbeing and security needs are guaranteed, they never again rouse the people.

The third are the Social Needs:These needs address the connections between and among gatherings working in the organisation.These needs give passionate security to individuals and furthermore a feeling of belongingness and affiliation. Man is a social creature and likes to be cordial with others and on the off chance that these requirements are not met, the worker becomes safe and unfriendly.

The fourth in line are the Esteem Needs:These needs are those needs where the people make progress toward power, accomplishment and status.Esteem here means both selfesteemand regard from others.

The most significant level need is the Need for Self-actualisation: This need addresses the finish of any remaining requirements. The satisfaction of this need gives a higher feeling of fulfillment to the person in work and life, which works on the exhibition of an individual in an association. Maslow considered the base levels of the pyramid as'deficiency needs' on the grounds that an individual feels nothing assuming they are met,but becomes restless on the off chance that they are not. In this way, physiological necessities like eating, drinking, and dozing are lack needs, as aresafety needs, social requirements like fellowship and actual closeness, and self image needs like confidence and acknowledgment.Assignment C


Answer the following in about 100 words each.


6. Explain the concept of mental revolution as given by Woodrow Wilson.     6 marks

Ans: Wilson pointed toward disclosing organization effective and actually sound. Organization might be communicated as government in real life. Being the most inescapable piece of government, it is pretty much as old as government itself. It addresses the presidential branch described by truly developing liabilities both mind boggling and bulky. Fruitful execution of government capacities relies upon: (1) prior wisdom, knowledge, and experience, (2) robust planning, (3) professionalism, (4) strong organisation devoid of corruption, and (5) sense of duty. Given the vast expanse and sheer complexity of government work, Wilson opined the science of administration was the need of the hour like never before. A prudent approach to administration would involve: (1) a philosophical study of administration, (2) organization of administration based on modern ideas and conditions, and (3) historical comparative studies in government. Such an approach would strengthen democracy, build structures of policy on majority will, ascertain a universal rule of good administration for all governments, and preclude administrative blunders. Wilson urged Americans to acknowledge the science of administration without prejudice. Most importantly, the eventual science of administration for America should be established upon the principles of democracy. As indicated by Wilson, popular assessment alluded to sees communicated by insightful pundits (of government) created by political theory branches of presumed universities. While it was empowering to take note of the fast spread of political examinations in the nation and the production of a large number of informed pundits instructed in the overall standards of government, he noticed it was similarly vital to set up a class of leader authorities "directing government". Enhanced thoroughly prepared common help staff exhibiting appropriate conduct. He characterized acceptable conduct as firm and earnest loyalty to government arrangements, and immediate and certain obligation to general assessment. Common help or administration focused on the assistance of all could, consequently, be conceivable provided that it were eliminated from State and authoritative legislative issues.


7. Write a short note on the views of Follett on Leadership.    6 marks

Ans: As per Follett 'leadership' is an important administration ability. Her styles of pioneers are utilitarian ones and not a dictator ones. As per her, a chief isn't the top of the office, however one "who can see by and large around a circumstance, who sees it as connected with specific purposes and approaches, who sees it advancing into the following circumstance, who sees how to pass starting with one circumstance then onto the next". Besides, she says that, pioneer is "the one who empowers his gathering, who can say for sure how to energize drive, how to draw from all what each needs to give". He is "the one who can show that the request is essential to the circumstance".

            The three basic elements of a pioneer are coordination, meaning of direction and expectation. She sees that pioneers are not conceived; they are made through appropriate instruction and preparing in association and the executives. A pioneers impacts his gathering, but at the same time is affected by it. This corresponding relationship is called as 'round reaction'. She recognizes the accompanying three kinds of initiative:

i) Leadership of position – holds a position of formal authority.

ii) Leadership of personality – holds forceful personal qualities.

iii) Leadership of function – holds both position and personality.

Follett argues that only that person, who has functional knowledge, can lead the modern organisations and not those who have formal authority or personality. As per Folett, “the man possessing the knowledge demanded by a certain situation tends, in the best managed business and other things being equal, to become the leader at the moment”. She believe that success of any organisation is “sufficiently flexible to allow the leadership of function to operate fully – to allow the men with the knowledge and the technique to control the situation”.


8. What do you mean by Contribution-Satisfaction Equilibrium?     6 marks

Ans: As indicated by Barnard, endurance of an association relies upon upkeep of harmony between the commitments and fulfillment of its members. The commitments are given by members to the association and it isn't chosen by the executives yet by laborers. The fulfillment is given by association to its members. He brought up that the singular member would stay in association just when his actuations offset his commitments. The association endures inasmuch as it brings the ability to the table for viable incitements in adequate amounts to keep up with the balance of the framework. Barnard has characterized the motivators that a man looks for his commitment to association in two significant headings.

a. Specific Incentive.

 b. General Incentive.

Barnard rejected the classical economic man concept and broadly agreed with human relationists with regard to motivation of people in organisation. He traced the sources of satisfaction to four specific inducements. He has suggested four specific incentives:

i.                    Material Inducement : Money or physical things.

ii.                  Non-Material Inducement : Recognition, challenge, prestige, opportunity for

distinction from other.

iii.                Desirable physical condition of work.

iv.                 Ideal benefactions: altruistic service, patriotism etc.

However, Barnard says that material rewards are ineffective beyond subsistence level.

General Incentive:

-          Associated attractiveness based on compatibility with the associates (Informal).

-          The adoption of working conditions to the physical habitual working pattern.

-           The opportunity for the feeling of enlarged participation in the course of events.

-          The condition of communicating with others.


9. Discuss the principles of Job Enrichment.  6marks

Ans:  Principles of Job Enrichment: Herzberg recommended Job Enrichment to fulfill individual requirements. By Job Enrichment, he implied that the occupation should be provoking to the point of using workers' capacities. Expanded capacity ought to be enough compensated with higher obligation. Through Job Enrichment, administrators could expand characteristic inspiration of representatives. On the off chance that the occupation couldn't oblige a particular capacity in a worker, then, at that point, it ought to can possibly furnish the representatives with suitable occupation of their capacity. He discussed even stacking of occupation rather than vertical stacking. It meant challenging the employees by increasing the amount of production expected of them. Herzberg has suggested seven principles:

1) Removing some controls while retaining accountability.

2) Increasing the accountability of individuals for own work.

3) Giving a person a complete, natural unit of work.

4) Granting additional authority to employees in their activity.

5) Making periodic reports directly available to the workers themselves rather than to supervisors.

6. Introducing new and more difficult tasks not previously handled.

7) Assigning individuals specific or specialised tasks; enabling them to become experts.

By improving job content, employees get a higher sense of achievement and work enjoyment. When employees are happy with their jobs, the general mood improves and so does productivity. Thus, the advantage of this concept is that managers are able to actually work on basic needs, once identified, and then go to more complex needs of employees.



10. What do you understand by Management by objectives?   6 marks

Ans: Management by Objectives (MBO) is regarded as one of the important contributions of Drucker to the discipline of management. He introduced this concept in 1954. MBO has additionally been altered by Edward C. Schleh, which has been named as 'The board by Results'. MBO incorporates strategies for arranging, setting guidelines, execution evaluation, and inspiration. As per Drucker, MBO isn't just a method of the executives, however it is a way of thinking of making due. It changes the essential presumptions of overseeing from practicing to poise. MBO works from base up as well as from hierarchical. At authoritative level, MBO joins targets of one level to another, and at an individual level, it gives explicit execution goals. MBO programs have four components: objective explicitness, investment, time span and execution criticism for a MBO framework to work, The organisational objectives must meet four criteria: i) They must be hierarchically put from most important to least important. ii) Quantification of objectives. iii) Specific goals.  iv) Consistent goals.

            Therefore, in order to practice MBO, the organisation must change itself. MBO has become such a popular way of managing that today it is regarded as the most modern Management Approach. In fact, it has revolutionalised the management process.