1. How do machines work?

            Many machines have electric engines. An engine contains a loop on a shaft in the focal point of certain magnets. At the point when an electric flow goes through the curl, the loop becomes charged and is repulsed by the magnet. This causes the curl to pivot and turn the shaft. The turning development can be utilized to drive machines.


2. How do lightbulbs glow?

            Some lightbulbs glow because a thin metal wire, or filament, inside them converts electrical energy into light energy. Other lights don't utilize wires, yet make light in an alternate way. Energy saving lights have an exceptional fluorescent covering inside gas-filled glass tubes. At the point when a current goes through the gas, it makes the covering shine.


3. What is lightning Switch?

            Lightning switch is a remote and batteryless controller switch innovation. It is utilized to control machines. The lightning switch changes over the mechanical power put on the switch into an electrical flow when a singular presses it.

            It was developed by Samuel Allen face, Jr.


4. What is lighthouse?

            A lighthouse is a tower with a beacon of  light. It cautions boats and ships regarding shallow waters, reefs and different risks. It additionally directs boats and ships during turbulent or hazy climate.


5. What is lightening Rod?

            A lightening rod is a metal rod or wire fixed to an uncovered piece of a structure or other tall construction to redirect lightning harmlessly into the ground.


6. What is flash light?

            Flash light is a compact hand-held electrical light.

            Conrad Hubert developed a blaze light with an on/off switch in the barrel shaped body that contains a light and batteries. Hubert's first flash  lights were hand-produced using unrefined paper and fiber tubes with a bulb and a harsh metal reflector.


7. What is LED?

            Light-emitting diodes (LED) is a semiconductor gadget that emanates light when an electric flow went through it.

            Nick Holonyak designed the principal III-V composite noticeable light-discharging diodes.

8. What are batteries?

            Batteries are valuable for providing modest quantities of power to compact or portable machines without the need to plug into wall sockets. Batteries are stores of synthetics that make a progression of electrical energy. A few batteries run out when the synthetic compounds are spent, yet battery-powered batteries recapture their put away power when connected to an attachment.