Amazing Facts about the work of our brain

A brain is the most crucial part of our central nervous system. It controls everything, from moving a little finger and addressing numerical conditions to recollecting cheerful days. It weighs almost 1.5 kg number of neurons and billions of connections. A brain is where our memory is located and most of our activities bring into play.

             Our brain is isolated into two halves of the globe, the left and right. Although equal size, these two hemispheres are not the same and do not carry out the same functions. Each hemisphere is responsible for different functions and behaviours. The right hemisphere or right brain is often called the creative side of the brain. It is responsible for functions such as face recognition, imagination, creativity, music ability and intuitions. The left hemisphere or left brain is the logical side of the brain and it controls language, speech, listening, reading, writing, mathematical calculations and memories.

            A Brain works by sending and receiving messages through the nerves in our body. The nerves act like the body’s telephone system. Information from our senses passes along nerves, up the spinal cord, all the way to our brain. Our brain can store this information and use it to send a message back to the body.

            You feel pain when your brain tells you to. When you touch something sharp or hot, nerves in your fingertips send a message to your brain to warn it out of danger. The brain processes this data and advises the muscles in your arm to move your hand away from the cause of torment as fast as could be expected.

            In any event, when you are in a profound rest your mind won't ever rest. The mind is in a hurry all of the time. Around evening time, it keeps your heart pulsating, ensures you inhale and controls numerous other body capacities. This is likewise when the mind cycles or sorts out, all the new stuff you got the hang of during the day.

            Your brain controls your body. It instructs the remainder of your body and when to get it done. Various pieces of the cerebrum have various positions. The greatest part is the frontal cortex, and it does a large portion of the reasoning in view of data it gets from your faculties.The right half of your brain controls the left side of your body and the left half controls the right side. So, if you are right-handed and use your right hands to perform your day to day tasks, this means you are left-brained. In other words, the left side of the brain is more dominant. If you are left-handed, then you should know you are right-brained.