Facts on Science and Technology 1 (Q&A)

1. What is digital Technology?

            The term ‘digital’ is derived from the Latin word ‘digitus, finger which refers to one of the oldest tools for counting. Digital mean that the electrical signals are either on (1) or off (0). The 1 and 0 form a code that can represent any type of information. Digital technology definition includes all electronic tools like computers, mobiles, MP3players and digital cameras that generate process or store information.

2. How was mobile phone invented?

            In the same way as other different developments, the cell phone is the result of difficult work and exploration of numerous creators. It was as mid 1900, when a designer named Reginald Fessenden settled on his first remote decision. He was the first to send human voice utilizing radio waves, utilizing signal starting with one radio pinnacle then onto the next. In 1947, a specialist D.H. Ring began work on how an individual can move round starting with one radio pinnacle then onto the next yet be available for potential emergencies. It required 10 years before this become reality. Richard H. Frenkiel and Joel S. Engel were fruitful in building an organization that could uphold moving around with a cell phone.

            Martin Cooper at last emerged with first business mobile phone in 1973. It was weighty and huge like block. However, upgrades were fast. Presently we have smooth cell phones which can be associated anyplace.

3. How mobile phones work?

            A cell phone or a mobile works by conveying messages through the air. There are extraordinary pinnacles expand on the streets that get these signs and send these to the individual you are calling from your phone. The amplifier in the cell phone changes over these signs into sound and your voice will be heard.

4. How internet can be use when we are out?

            PCs can associate with the web in many spots since they are wireless. This implies they have an extraordinary aeronautical that gets radio transmissions. The PCs changes over the signs into website pages or messages. Since PC don't should be connected, individuals can utilize them moving.

5.  How does a landline telephone work?

            A phone is not the same as a cell. Not at all like cell, the  phone is associated with a wire toward one side. It likewise conveys messages like a PDA does. Be that as it may, it conveys messages through wires rather than air. These wires are laid under the ground and convey transmissions to the individual you are calling. The receiver in the telephone changes over these signs into sound.