Facts about Invention and discoveries (5)
Car, Bus, Train


There are several innovators who contributed to what we know today as car. They improved and developed the model consistently.

Leonardo Da Vinci had prepared the sketch of the first car.

In 1769, Nicholas Joseph Cugnot made the steam motor that moved on its own.

Robert Anderson made the first electronic carriage yet it should have charged over and over.

Gottlieb Daimler made the first gasoline engine.

            The overall credit goes to Karl Benz. In 1886, it was he who invented a car that resembled the modern car, was successful and ran on gasoline. By 1888, he had produced 3 models of cars in private. After he joined hands with Dailmer Company, he died.


Modern cars

Henry Ford didn't invent the car yet he gave a future to the car business. His administration capacity and amazing vision supported car creators that this industry could be so colossal and effective. Henry Ford experienced childhood with a ranch however machines pulled in him. He used to open and afterward set back individuals' watches. He got restricted schooling however his interest to figure out prompted do different things. At 15 years old, he made his own steam motor. He made a horseless carriage called quadricycle.

            Henry joined the Detroit Automobile company and as the chief engineer, made several cars. Then he opened his own company and started making racing cars. He was successful and attracted bankers to invest in his experiments. In 1903, he founded his company called Ford Motor Company. Then there was no looking back. Henry Ford introduced the concept of making cars on a large scale. He changed the face of the automobile industry. Today, you see such a large variety of cars being produced in so many countries in so many numbers. It is because one man named Henry Ford started it all.

Car Radio

William P. Lear is credited with the invention of car radio i.e. the eight track tape player during the 1960s used in our cars. Lear’s radio had good audio quality and was easily adaptable to home and car use. Hs design of the radio doubled the amount of music that could be recorded on a single tape cartridge. The eight-track was the first truly portable format for music and was a great commercial success. It corresponds to a progressive step for audio copy and home entertainment. Motorola Company first produced a car radio based on Lear’s design.

Car Windshield Wipers

Mary Anderson is credited with the invention of a window cleaning device in November 1903. Her invention could clean snow, rain or sleet from a windshield by using a handle inside the car. Her aim was to improve the driver’s visualization during rainy weather.

            During a trip to New York City, she saw car drivers open their car windows, as it rained, in order to see. It was then that she thought of a solution to this problem and invented a swinging arm device which went back and forth with a rubber blade on the outside. This device was operated by the driver from within the vehicle via a lever. The windshield wipers became standard equipment in all American cars by 1916.


A man name Blaise Pascal took carriage with several seats and horses and launched the first bus service in Paris in 1662. It was meant for the rich and famous people in the society but after 15 years the service was stopped. Then in 1824, a man named Greenwood repeated the same thing. The service extended to various cities from Paris and it was successful.

            It was in 1830 that Walter Hancock and Sir Goldsworthy Gurney invented the steam carriage. Every passing year, the model of the bus kept changing till we got the modern buses. From single decker to double decker, today buses have some of the most modern look and facilities.


George Stephenson began working on the first train in 1813.He was 20 years old at that time. Everything in those time was handmade. So, a blacksmith assisted George in hammering and making the engine and the train. It took ten months of hard work to build the train and was tested on the track in 1814. It was the first successful train.

            George Stephenson went on to make 16 different engines. He built the first public railway the Stockton and Darlington railway in 1825. Stephenson was the head engineer for a number of  the railways.